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book project mekenzie hawker

Peak let _____ stand of the mountain before him.
How does peak get to thailand
Mount Everest is covered with snow.
Where did peak move to after court?
What building did peaks face freeze to ?
Peak set a new world ______.
What mountain did peak climb and set he record for youngest climber?
Peak _____ was the youngest climber to reach the top.
What can thin air cause?
Authors first name.
This novel is about ______.
The name of this climber?
Authors last name.
The temperatures are always below _______.
A bag used to help someone breath.
They hadto keep peaks attemept to climb the mountain a _____.
Where does peak go after getting caught?
Who caught him climbing the building?
Sunjo is constantly making _______ for the team.
What did josh playy on the officers to make them believe that peak went home.
The _____on the mountain was always unpredictable.
How old was peak?
What was the reason for peak getting kicked off of the team?
Peak is a ______.
After peak got back from his trip what was due at school?
First peak was flown to ____ where his dads work was.
The mayor thought peak was a ______.
Who was the reporter from newyork that went on this journey?
What was the side of the mountain called that they climbed down.
How many skyscrapers did peak climb?