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Porifera/Cnidaria Crossword

is the class of marine Cnidarians that have almost transparent cube like bodies, complex eyes and stinging tentacles containing a potent toxin in Some Species.
The cells that make up the Choanoderm, they generate a flow of water through the Sponge Pores, pulling in oxygen and nutrients and allowing rapid expulsion of carbon dioxide and Other Waste, also turn into Sperm when needed
Tiny pores in the body wall of the sponge that allows water to enter the body cavity.
Primary organ of digestion and circulation in two major animal phyla, it digests food and Transports nutrients throughout its body.The Cavity has only one opening to the Environment, food goes in and waste comes out that same opening, making it a two Way digestive tract
An exclusively marine class of the phylum Cnidarian referred to as the "True Jellyfish"
A class within the phylum Cnidarian that do not have the medusa stage in their Development, instead they release Sperm and eggs that form a planula which attaches To Some Substrate on which the cnidarian grows.
Provide structural support and deter predators. Sharp spikes made of calcium.
Attached directly to the base.
Sponges eat_____
Symmetry of a sponge.
It's a diffuse network of neurons that conduct impulses in all directions from a point of stimulus.
A mobile cell in the body of invertebrates, they process and deliver nutrients, develop Egg cells and deliver Sperm, differentiate into more specific cells.
Coelenterates typically having alternations of generations.
Specialized cells in the tentacles of a jellyfish or other coelenterate, containing a barded or Venomous coiled thread that can be projected in Self-defense or to capture food.
Class of Cnidarian in which the body is shaped like an Umbrella or Bell shaped.
An animal in which each adult can act as either male or female during reproduction.
How sponges get food.
The Excretory System of Sponges, it is a large opening through which water is expelled.
a small growth, typically benign and with a stalk, protruding from a mucous membrane.