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A Medical examiner (coroner) may request an autopsy without the _______ next-of-kin.
Another name for the autopsy is a _________ or post-mortem examination.
Autopsies are performed by medical doctors, most often the ___________.
Forensic autopsies have ________ implications.
The term Autopsy is derived from the ______ word "Autopsia": to see with one's own eyes.
The next-of-kin also has the right to limit the ________of the autopsy.
The Autopsy determines the ________ of death;Accident, Suicide, Homicide or Natural event.
The findings of the autopsy _________ help assist with trace evidence found in or on a victim's body.
During the autopsy all of the organs are removed from the body and slide preparations are made for __________ examination.
A pathologist has specialized training in the examination of body fluids and tissues, in the diagnosis of __________.