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Chapter 21 Cancer Development

Increase in tissue size by increase in number of cells
Cancer development; oncogenesis
Original tumor
Occurs when cancer cells move from primary location and establish remote colonies
Cell division
Screening strategies for early cancer detection; examples: mammography and colonoscopy
Anaplasia, larger nuclear-cytoplasmic ratio, serve no useful purpose, loose adherence, migration, cellular regulation lost, abnormal chromosomes
Altered cell growth that is harmless and does not require intervention
Programmed cell death
Use of strategies to prevent cancer development; examples: immunizations and avoidance of tobacco smoke
Single most preventable source of cancer development
Referring to cancer, altered cell growth that is serious and without intervention leads to death
May be a chemical, physical agent, or virus that changes the activity of a cell's genes so that the cell becomes cancer
Protects body from foreign invaders and non-self cells
Single most important risk factor for cancer
Specific morphology, smaller nuclear-to-cytoplasmic ratio, differentiated function, tight adherence, nonmigratory, orderly and well-regulated growth
Increase in tissue size by enlargement of each cell
Can cause cells to change from normal to cancer when"turned on"
Any new or continued cell growth not needed for normal development or replacement of dead and damaged tissues
A system used to describe anatomic extent of cancers