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Cancer Crossword

Most common oral tumor in the dog
Using chemotherapy in this fashion means giving a low dose every day.
Causative agent of some feline sarcomas
Cats with mast cell tumors can present for this primary complaint.
One way to detect metastasis of a tumor in a lymph node.
A method of using chemotherapy and electrical pulses to treat tumors locally.
Seen often with anal sac adenocarcinomas
Most common oral tumor in cat
Refers to the potential for tumor to metastasize
The most common curative cancer treatment
Drugs that can help reduce hypercalcemia due to malignancy
This form of hemangiosarcoma can carry a good prognosis.
Tumor of soft tissue/ connective tissue
Age at which 45% of dogs will have developed cancer.
The time at which 50% of patients with a disease will have died.
A substance that is very critical to bring a therapeutic effect from radiation therapy.
Refers to the spread of a tumor through the body
Number of mitosis seen in 10 high powered fields in a biopsy specimen
Levels can be used to predict prognosis in osteosarcoma patients.
One of several steps required for tumor metastasis
German word for Cancer
On role for metronomic chemotherapy
Can present as a lytic bone lesion that is painful.
The only tryrosine kinase inhibitor licensed for use in dogs in the U.S.
Taking a piece of mass or the entire mass and submitting it for histophathology
Can cause hemorrhagic cystitis
Growth curve describing how solid tumors grow over time.
Site of most transitional cell carcinomas
Examining this organ is vital when staging lymphoma, mast cell tumors and histiocytic tumors.