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The Newborn

neonate,pediatrician, breech, forceps, miscarriage. dilation, ultrasound,episiotomy,obstetrician, apgar test.
A test in which sound waves bounce off the fetus to produce an image of the fetus inside the uterus.
Medical term for the baby from birth to one month of age.
A doctor who cares for infants and children
A change in the baby's position in which the uterus settles downward,
Curved instrument used to help doctor ease the baby down the birth canal
The expulsion of a baby from the mother's body before week 20 of pregnancy
The first stage of labor during which the cervix opens
Buttock first position in which some babies enter the birth canal
A doctor who specialize in pregnancy and birth.
A test check's the baby's chance of survival
An incision made to widen the birth and prevent tearing