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Information Management

______________ files take up less floor space as built-in shelving units and are a popular choice in dental offices.
______________ of records can be made when information is needed for work outside the office; however, records should never be removed from the office.
Once a file or record reaches the predetermined length of time, according to the ______________transfer method, the file is removed from the active filing system and is placed in the inactive filing system.
Most filing in a dental practice is done ______________.
Bank statements, business reports, and tax records are filed according to subject and then are subdivided ______________.
A surname with a prefix is alphabetized as a ______________unit.
______________ degrees such as DDS, DMS, and PhD are used in indexing only to distinguish between two identical names.
A ______________ name and should be filed as written. Personal name is filled with last name first.
______________labels are designed to allow for easy identification of when a patient was last seen.
File folders that have a series of three top tabs (far left, center, and far right) are referred to as 1/3 cut. This specific type of folder is used primarily ______________, not lateral, filing systems.
When a file is removed from the system, one should always leave an out-______________ in its place so the whereabouts of the file are known.
______________ records are filed in both business and patient categories.
When files are ______________, a cross-reference list should be kept and should include all the following: the types of documents being destroyed, the method and The time period that the documents represented.
Full mouth radiographic surveys should be ______________indefinitely for their significance in forensic dentistry.
The arrangement of a name, subject, or number is referred to as _____________.
Usually, a color coding system uses a different color for the first 13____________ of the alphabet and then repeats the pattern of colors with a mark for the second half of the alphabet.
______________ used for organization of documents are needed in a paper record management system not electronic.
When documents are filed with correctly indexed names, abbreviations are filed as if they were ______________-out, not as written.
______________ speeds up the filing process through methodical movement from one end of the system to the other, saving time.
The _____________Privacy Rule covers the protection of all PHI in paper form.