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Patient Clinical Records

The proper way to correct an error in a clinical record is to cross out the error with a ______________ line, date and initial the error, and then write the correction information.
Equivalent Requirements for Government state that the provisions of the Privacy Rule generally apply equally to ______________ sector– and public sector–covered entities.
Diagnostic models are ______________ of the patient’s mouth. AKA study models and impressions.
Consistent spacing between progress note entries should be limited to_____________ or two lines.
______________ imaging systems are used to take diagnostic photographs of teeth and their surrounding tissue.
The duties of the administrative assistant may differ depending on the type of record system used, and _______________ (paper records vs. computer-generated clinical records), but the role is not made redundant when computer-generated records are used.
The administrative assistant plays a key role in protecting the dental practice from malpractice lawsuits because the clinical record process starts and ends with the __________________assistant.
The patient registration form is used to collect patient ________________ and financial information.
The HIPAA regulation that allows patients to view their clinical records is ______________to Clinical Records.
The principal reasons for keeping adequate files are to support the need for dental treatment and ______________ the actions of the dentist.
A______________ component of the clinical record is the registration form because it contains all necessary patient personal and insurance information.
PHI cannot be shared with others for purposes unrelated to their healthcare, without written authorization. The Privacy Rule permits, but does not require, the disclosure of health information for specific _______________ responsibilities.
_______________ privacy procedures should determine, who how, and when private health information may be disclosed.
The ______________function of the patient’s clinical record is to provide a total picture of the patient and the patient’s needs
The key ______________ of record keeping include organization, completeness, and consistency.
Administrative _______________ that apply to electronic clinical records include identification of who will supervise compliance with HIPAA Security Standards, a staff clearance procedure that identifies which members of the staff will have access to electronic protected health information (EPHI), and a disaster recovery plan.
Advise new patients to arrive 15 ______________ early to complete paperwork if they are unable to complete the registration and medical history forms before the first appointment.
The National Heath Information _______________(NHII) is a communications system designed to advance patient safety while improving the quality of healthcare by informing and empowering healthcare consumers.
It is necessary to take a complete history before _______________ is begun because careful review of medical history will alert the dentist to possible interactions between dental and medical treatment.
______________ management is a process of identifying and correcting possible conditions or regulation violations.