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The Integrated Experience & Verbal Escalation Continuum

Definitions & Explanations.
Beginning to loose rationality. At this stage the individual may become belligerent and challenge authority. This is the second level in the Crisis Development Model.
Verbal and/or emotional outburst. Loss of rationalization, letting off steam, screaming, swearing, high energy output. INTERVENE by ALLOWING venting. IF POSSIBLE remove either the individual or his/her audience. State directives that are NONTHREATENING. Use an understand, reasonable approach. Do not set limits that you cannot enforce.
A Decrease in physical and emotional energy. The 4th level in the Crisis Development Model. Occurs after the individual has acted out and has regained rational thought.
Disengagement and/or holding skills to manage the Risk Behavior. This should be a last resort. Skills are reasonable and proportionate to the level of Risk Behavior presented.
Behaviors that may present a risk to self or others. The individual exhibits a total loss of control. Physical interventions MAY be necessary to minimize harm.
If its a rational question seeking a rational response GIVE A RATIONAL RESPONSE. If it's a challenging question, questioning authority, DOWNPLAY the challenge, stick to the topic. Set limits.
A Change in Behavior--A non directed expenditure of energy. The first level in the Crisis Development Model.
The individual is verbally and/or nonverbally threatening staff in some manor. A hands-on approach at this time MAY TRIGGER physical behavior. Most importantly try to avoid individual intervention as this is more likely to jeopardize the safety and welfare of both staff and the individual.
An empathic non-judgemental approach. This is the recommended staff attitude/approach to an individual at the Anxiety Level.
A drop in energy, occurs after every crisis situation, whether it is after low-level defensive behaviors or intimidation. At this point staff should attempt to re-establish communication with the individual.
Re-establish communication with the individual who is experiencing Tension Reduction.
Non-compliance, slight loss of rationality. INTERVENE by setting limits. Redirect the person's focus and attention to the desired outcome.
Decelerating an escalating Behavior. An approach in which a staff member takes control of a potentially escalating situation. Provide a clear instruction requesting compliance.