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Chapter 7 & 11 Assessment

Universal design includes tolerance for this.
This is developed for children that have been diagnosed with a learning disability.
Help children understand conferences are ______.
Allowing a child's records to be available only to school personnel, agency officials, and parents/guardians.
Set an ____ for the conference and stick to it.
Each lesson should have standards represented as this.
Teachers must do this in order to make content accessible to all learners.
The most common learning disability.
Tests should not be administered in a way that ignores these.
An assessment strategy that helps document a child's overall progress and organize significant work samples.
Formal written document that communicate a summary of child progress for families
Being responsible for the outcomes of instruction for all children.
When describing a child's behavior, you must use ____language.
After the conference, send the family a _____ of key points that were discussed.
Ask this type of question during conferences.
Scoring this and including it in a report card grade is bad practice.
Letters, numbers, or symbols used to represent child performance on a standard task or course.
Teachers must be sensitive of the individual ____ of parents
Grades should be based on ____.
Let parents/guardians know the _____ of the conference.