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Health Crossword
Stress that can help you reach your goals.
Frequent changes in emotions.
Have unwanted thoughts that may not make sense
A combination of your feelings likes dislikes attitudes, abilities and habits
Identifying with and sharing another persons feelings
An incurable mental and emotional illness characterized by paranoia and hallucinations
They react to traumatic such as war and a natural disorder
That act of killing oneself on purposse
Stress that prevents you from doing what you need to do or stress that causes you discomfort
Having a positive attitude forward the future.
Places to get information support and advice
How you feel about yourself
The body's response to real or imagined dangers or other life events
A mood disorder involving extrreme mood swings for no apparent reasons
People experience intense feelings for fear for a short time
Belief in your ability to do what you set out to do
A exaggerated or unrealistic fear of something specific.
A mood disorder in which a person feels a strong sense of hopelessness helplessness, worthless, guilt and extreme sadness
Sources of stress
The ability to recover from problems or loss
A mental and emotional problem in which a person undergoes mood swings that seem extreme inappropiate or lasts a long time
Feelings such as love,joy or fear.
Suggestion to seek help or information from another person or place