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Game #4

Teen ____ mostly occurs due to no usage of birth control, unprotected sex and even alcohol usage.
A developing human from 9 weeks after conception until birth
A psychological disorder mostly in children with symptoms of poor concentration and hyperactivity.
A therapist who restates and clarifies the client's statements is practicing _______
The stage from Freud’s Psychosexual Stages that starts from birth until 18 months where pleasure centers on the mouth.
The diminishing of a conditioned response
Cognitive therapist that believes that changing people's feelings can change their functioning.
It regulates the level of sugar in the blood
The symptoms of this subtype of schizophrenia include preoccupation with delusions or hallucinations, often with themes of persecution or grandiosity.
The stage from Freud’s Psychosexual Stages that starts from age 6 until puberty in which sexual feelings are dormant.
Retreating to a more infantile psychosexual stage, where some psychic energy remains fixated.
The process of caring for and encouraging the growth or development of someone.
This type of learning is done by looking at what others do
Self ____ needs are needs to live up to our fullest and unique potential
Self _____ needs are needs to find meaning and identity beyond the self.
Marijuana and LSD are examples of:
In Pavlov's CC experiment, the tone started as a neutral stimulus and then became a(n) _______ stimulus.
The cultural preferred timing for social events such as marriage, parenthood & retirement
A need or desire that energizes and directs toward a goal.
Any physical or verbal behavior meant to hurt someone
An individual's characteristic pattern of feeling, thinking and acting.
The Drive-_____-Theory of Motivation; this makes us create aroused psychological states that drive us to reduce or satisfy physiological needs.
This is a stimulant & mild hallucinogen it causes dehydration, overheating and depressed mood
Psychologist behind the "Little Albert" experiment.
He established the first psychology laboratory