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Game #3

Aristotle called us this: “____ animals” as humans feel the need to belong.
A type of mechanism used to reduce anxiety
Linking two events that occur close together is known as ______ learning.
The initial learning of the stimulus response relationship. Example: Ringing the bell and presenting the food.
An anxiety disorder in which a person is intensely irrationally afraid of a specific object or situation
Drugs used to treat depression
This is anything that increases a behavior
Drugs used to treat schizophrenia.
Caffeine, nicotine, cocaine and methamphetamine are examples of....
The part of the brainstem that controls heartbeat and breathing.
One of the biggest basic needs that causes stomach pains.
A test created by Hermann Rorschach used to let people describe what they see in a series of this:
The discomfort and distress that follows after stopping to take an addictive drug
The feeling of the world being organized and predictable are ____ needs.
A series of thoughts, images and sensations occurring in a person's mind during sleep
Another term for humanistic therapies
Our sense of being male, female or some combination of the two
A surgery that removes or destroys brain tissue in effort to change behavior.
Drugs used to control anxiety and agitation.
Therapy that treats the family as a system.
A brain's ability to modify itself after damage.
Human’s capacity to learn new behaviors that enable us to cope with ever changing experience.
The brain's sensory control center
An eating disorder that typically begins as weight loss but the person drops beyond a normal amount of weight.
This psychologist proposed that people are motivated by a hierarchy of needs