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AP Lang Vocab/Lit Term Term 2

A reference to something well known
The repetition of vowel sounds
A comparison between two things as an explanation or clarification
Ending a series of lines, phrases, clauses, or sentences with the same word or words
To express one's deep grief
to reduce in quantity or to put a restriction on; limit
A symbolic device in which characters or events in a story represent or symbolize ideas and concepts.
A brief rest
The repetition of an initial consonant sound.
clever or skillful in the use of hands or the mind
deserving censure or condemnation
Lacking in vitality, force, or conviction; uninspired
When a speaker addresses an object/concept that is unable to respond
Idealistic in an unrealistic way
to travel across or through
A figure of speech that compares two unlike things using like, as, or than.
emotionally uninvolved; detached
all future generation; heirs/lineage
The repetition of words at the beginning of clauses. Purpose is to add emphasis/meaning or build to a climax.
showing great wealth and luxury
The dictionary definition of a word
to support; defend/champion
When two sentences of contrasting meaning are placed next to each other
barely mobile; not exerting much energy
A literary technique in which two or more contrasting ideas, places, characters, or examples are placed side by side for the purpose of developing comparisons and contrasts.
showing a casual or cheerful indifference
rude or unmannerly
The feelings associated with a word
When the author uses words and phrases to create “mental images” for the reader using the 5 senses.
to cover completely; hide/cloak
Someone who uses flattery to get what HE/SHE wants
penetrating or clear intelligence or skill
The pursuit of pleasure
A usually short narrative of an interesting, amusing, or biographical incident
To put an end to something, typically with the use of force