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A movie about a giant ape and the woman he loved
October 29, 1929 the bottom fell out more than 16 million shares were sold on this day
a period of severe dust storms that greatly damaged the ecology and agriculture of the US and Canadian prairies
Congress of Industrial Organizations
Where employers had to negotiate with unions about hours, wages, and other work conditions
the government undertakes to protect the health and well-being of its citizens
Secretary of commerce
was an American author of 27 books, including 16 novels, six non-fiction books, and five collections of short stories
This tariff raised prices on foreign imports to such a level that they could not complete in the American market
In 1938 this act provided workers with additional right
This act recognized the right of employees to join labor unions
This man accepted the Democratic Party's nomination for president
Periodic growth and contraction of the economy
was first known as the Federal Council of Negro Affairs
Who becomes the emperor of Ethiopia in 1930
To move or be directed toward the same purpose or result
June 18, 1934, or the Wheeler-Howard Act, was U.S. federal legislation that dealt with the status of Native Americans
American Federation of Labor
Made up one fourth of the American workforce