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Mediation Crossword Puzzle

Anything that is perceived to be in short supply.
Communication to manage personal embarrassment.
The assistance of a neutral and impartial third party who facilitates the parties in creating their own mutually agreeable outcome.
Letting go of negative feelings caused by another person.
A style or tactic in response to conflict where each party gives up some part of goal achievement to reach agreement.
A tactic of deferring discussion.
An individual's preferred or habitual responses to conflict situations.
Deeply seated beliefs and core ideas about right and wrong.
Showing respect for others.
When the parties are stuck and can make no progress toward resolution.
The list of issues to be negotiated
A time during a mediation session when the mediator meets separately with each party.
Statements that take responsibility for one's personal feelings or thoughts phrased using the word "I."
A pledge made by the mediator not to share information from the mediation session unless legally compelled to do so.
Generalizations that ascribe the same characteristics to all members of a group.
A counterpart to intelligence (IQ) which holds the individuals possesses measurable levels of social skills and self awareness.
A technique to recognize another person's thoughts or feelings without agreement of criticism.
The first phase of a session where the mediator outlines the process, guidelines, and expectations to be followed.
The practice of keeping parties apart in separate rooms with the mediator going back and forth between the rooms to convey communication and offers.
Questions with no particular expected answer that are designed to elicit the disputant's perceptions and personal experiences.
Questions aimed to uncover additional details.
A session with two mediators.
The process of purposefully attending to the speaker's expressed and unexpressed messages
A technique to move and issue or topic from a narrow interest of negative frame into a larger or neutral fame where defensiveness is decrease and productive negotiation is encouraged.
The individuals in a conflict.