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Books 11-12

The person who made the Trojan horse
The "indestructable" hero of the Greeks
The god who kills the crew members
The beautiful sea creatures who lead sailors to their doom
Lord Alcinous provided hospitality for Odysseus
The prophet who predicts that Odysseus will massacre the suitors
The feeling that Odysseus gets when he sees his dead mother
Poseidon had children with mortal women
The man pushing the stone in agony
Tiresias predicts that Odysseus will massacre all of the suitors
The betrayed king
The person that turned some crew members into pigs
"Crafty Odysseus poor man"
Circe gives food to the crew
Elepnor asked Odysseus to do a proper burial for him
The land where Odysseus talked with the dead
The judge of the dead
The hero who died by falling from the roof of Circe's house
The son of Achilles
The husband of Megara
The man being tortured by vultures
The man unable to eat or drink
The Crew were too prideful and ate Helios' cattle
The revenge that Helios took on the crew after they ate his cattle
The man who still holds a grunge with Odysseus
The father of Chloris
Zeus sends a thunderbolt at Odysseus' ship
The place where Odysseus returns from
The pale monster in the depths of Hades
The mermaids overwhelm Odysseus with emotion