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Yeast Breads and Rolls

Making shallow cuts in the dough before baking. Helps gases escape from hard crusted breads during baking.
Forms the dough into the distinctive shapes associated with yeast products.
The process of removing a portion of the dough and keeping it dormant for 8 to 24 hours and is then added to the next days bread products. It enhances the fermentation, color, and taste.
Has up to 25% of both fat and sugar. A very soft and heavy structure.
A wooden board that a baker uses to slide breads onto the oven floor or hearth.
The fat is incorporated into the dough through a rolling and folding action.
Allows the leavening action of yeast to achieve its final strength before yeast cells are killed by hot oven temperatures.
The process of making small holes in the surface of the dough before baking it. Allows steam to escape and promotes even baking.
A short intermediate proofing stage that lets the gluten relax so the dough becomes lighter,softer, and easier to shape.
Produce items with a soft crumb and crust. It contains about 6-9% fat and sugar.
The action of turning the sides of the dough into the middle and turning it over. It
A mixture of flour, yeast, sugar, and a warm liquid that begins the leavening action.
Causes dough to rise as it fills with CO2 bubbles.
Consists of 0-1% fat and sugar. It is the most basic yeast doughs.
To work the dough until it is smooth and elastic.
During the first five minutes of baking, dough suddenly rises and expands as the yeast reacts to the heat of the oven.
The condition in which the ingredients in a dough completely break down caused by over kneading.
Placing shaped dough into the correct type of pan.