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Digital imaging, dental film, & Processing Radiographs 2

The ___________ digital radiography category of digital imaging is similar to faxes and video equipment, which use a sensor with a cord that is attached to the computer.
Film speed is determined by the ___________ of silver bromide salt and size of the silver bromide crystals.
Storage plates (PSP) can be reused; they are not disposable. PSI storage plates are made of ______________; they hold the image for hours but must be protected from light, which will erase the image.
The___________ side of the cassette must always face the patient during exposure, because it is constructed to permit the passage of the radiograph beam.
An____________dental x-ray film is more sensitive to light than intraoral film is.
Positioning instruments in digital radiography assist in film placement and keep patient's ______________ from exposure.
Automatic film processing requires _______ time than manual film processing. Automatic film processing requires only four to six minutes to develop, fix, wash, and dry a film, whereas manual processing and drying techniques require approximately one hour.
Digital ______________ requires less radiation than traditional radiography because the sensor is more sensitive to x-ray energy.
The ___________ and size of films processed, the time elapsed since last change, and fixer getting into the developer tank all affect the life of the solutions.
The ___________ is dull, only on one side, and exposed by light, not x-rays.
When ____________the film in the cassette before exposure, this procedure must be done in the dark.
The radiographic image is located __________ the gelatin that suspends the emulsion of the x-ray film.
Dental film __________, used to position and hold dental x-ray films in the patients's mouth include PID, XCP, disposable block, EeZee-Grip and Endo-Ray.
Developer cutoff will result in a straight ____________, rather than straight black, border because the film will be fixed without being developed first.
The recommended distance between the safelight and and where film is unwrapped is_________ feet.
The duplicates have slightly less_________ than the originals, the process is similar to other radiograph duplication.
A sudden ______________ change between developer and water bath will result in reticulation of the film emulsion.
The extraoral film placed outside of the mouth during exposure is the ______________.
____________developing soluti on will make films darker.
The __________ place to store unopened boxes of X-film is in the darkroom.
The correct order of __________in manual film processing is develop, rinse, fix, wash.
The purpose of the lead foil in the dental film packet is to prevent ______________ from secondary radiation.
When loading the film into the cassette before exposure, the procedure must be done in the ______________.
F-speed film is the newest and ______________ film currently available. Only D and F speeds are used in intraoral dental radiography. F-speed film reduces radiation exposure to the patient by 20% to 60%, compared with E-speed and D-speed film.
When a dental film is placed in the patient’s mouth, the white side is placed toward the tube, and the raised dot is placed to the ___________ or incisal.
If films are lighter than normal, the probable cause is that the developer solution is too ___________ or too cold. Developer solution that is too warm would make the film darker. Weak fixer would cause incomplete clearing of the emulsion. Improper rinsing can cause yellow or brown film.
The CCD in direct digital imaging sensors is made of an x-ray–sensitive ___________chip.
_____________should NEVER be autoclaved.
_____________ hardens the film emulsion during film processing
Continuing to use exhausted developer will result in __________films.