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1 King 10 to 1 Chronicles 26

First Light Bible Study 12/15/2016
He tried to steady the Ark on the cart he when he was with Ahio.
A prophet that told David what the LORD told him to say.
The kings of the southern kingdom reigned from this place.
He was eight years old when he became king in Judah.
They were the priests, singers and porters.
She heard of Solomon's fame.
Aaron's baby brother.
Sent his wife to the prophet Ahijah in Shiloh.
Naaman wanted an audience with him.
Jeroboam set up one golden calf in _____.
Was provoke by satan to number Israel.
Number of kings that ruled all of Israel.
He shaved David's ambassadors and disgraced them.
The Ark was at his house.
Elisha's wayward servant.
Elijah the _______.
Solomon's son.
Ahab wanted his vineyard.
Jezebel's husband.
All of the kings of the northern kingdom were ______.