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OLA Preparation for Sacrament of Reconciliation

Virtue that enables us to believe in God and all that the Church teaches us
Less serious sins that do not turn us completely away from God
The first sin committed by Adam and Eve
A good habit that helps us act according to God's love for us
Word which describes God
Book about God's love for us and our call to live as God's people
Laws that help God's people to remain faithful to the one true God and to be truly safe and free.
The 12 men Jesus chose to share his mission in a special way
When sins are forgiven in the name of Christ and the Church and through the power of the Holy Spirit
To tell our sins to a priest
The ability to know the difference between good and evil
A very serious sin that completely turns us away from God.
God's greatest gift to man that gives man the freedom ti choose either to do good or to do evil.
An action that shows we are sorry for our sins.
Or Love, The greatest of all virtues. It enables us to love God and to love our neighbors
A mystery of faith: The 3 persons in one God: God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit
Virtue that enables us to trust in God's promise to share His life with us forever.
It is not a place on a map. It is the power of God's love active in our lives and in the world and completed when we are reunited with God
Weakens our friendship with God
Followerss of Jesus who shared in his mission to spread the Good News of God's Love
Jesus' teachings that describe the way to live as his disciples and find tru happiness
The truth that God the Son became man
A heartfelt expression of sorrow for our sins
A special agreement between God and His people