A kingdom, state, or lesser district
A long, deep, hollow with steep, rocky sides worn by a stream or torrent of water
An arm of the sea, extending into land; smaller than a gulf, larger than a creek
An area of triangular shaped land at the mouth of a river
The point where rivers descend rapidly due to a distinct decline in elevation
A chain or range of rocks lying at the surface of the water
A deep natural hollow place in the earth, deeper than a cave
A ring-shaped coral reef, island, or set of small islands surrounding a lagoon
A great extent of land not interrupted by a sea
Soft, wet ground covered with grass or other plants
A body of water interspersed with many islands
A small natural stream of water; a current flowing from a spring
A low place between hills; a valley
A headland, a point or termination of a neck of land extending into the sea
A smaller stream running into a larger one or proceeding from it
A ridge that determines the direction water drains for adjacent water systems
An arm of the sea; the mouth of a river or lake where the tide meets the current
A neck or narrow strip of land by which two continents are connected or a peninsula is united to the mainland
A place in a river that can be crossed
The elevation of an object in relation to sea level
Soggy, swampy, slow moving body of water, obstructed by vegetation
A narrow hollow with steep, rocky sides worn by a stream or torrent of water
A valley, dale, a depression between hills
An extensive wood; a large tract of land covered by trees
A high, steep, almost vertical rock, usually on a coast