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Crossword Puzzle

What did they have to do to get the fur
A disease you can get with no vitamin C
The explorers when its too hard to paddle they carry their canoe over their head
Never giving up
The king of France offered a deal if a settler goes to New France . What is the agreement called
Who was the first man to travel to Stadaconna
Samuel De Champlain sent settlers to live in to start a colony there
Another word for trade
When your mind is set on something you are considered
Being able to stay alive in hard circumstances
People who travel the sea
Leaving your comfort zone
What did the Europeans travel to get from the First Nations
A good sailor can through the stars
People who travel the world
People who go around the world
People who don't understand other beliefs
This word describes the Europeans
What is it called when you make an agreement with someone else
What do we call now where the First Nations used to live