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Book of Mormon Review

The 3 Nephites are blessed by Christ and shall never ____ ____. 3 Ne 28:7
Nephi was given power from God. "whatsoever ye shall seal on earth shall be ____ in heaven. (Helaman 10:7)
Alma and the sons of Mosiah were wicked until an _____ ___ __ ___ appeared to them. (mosiah 27:11)
King mosiah has Abinidi _____ for his testimony of Christ. (Mosiah 17:20)
Samuel the Lamenite had to climb onto the city ____ to prophecy to the people. Helaman 14:11
Captain Moroni asked Alma to ____ ____ ___ ___ whither his armies should go. (Alma 43:23)
King Benajmin builds a ___ so he can preach to the people. (Mosiah 2:7)
Samuel the Lamenite prophesied there shall be ____ __ ___ for the space of many hours. Helaman 14:21
The last Jaredite alive found by the people of Mosiah. (Omni 1 :21)
The brother of Jared saw the Lords ____. Ether 3:6
The Zoramite built a tower above their synagogues to pray in call the ____. (Alma 31:21)
The sign of christs birth would be a day without ___. 3 Nephi 1:8
Alma and Amulek suffered great ______ before they were given power to bring down the prison walls. (Alma 14:26)
At what age are children supposed to be baptised?
Nephi and Lehi we inprisoned and the entire prison was overshadowed with a cloud of _______. (Helaman :5 28)
The Anti-Nephi-Lehis burried the weapons used for the ___ __ ___ ___ deep in the earth. (Alma 24:17)
By the power of the ____ ____ ye may know the truth of all things. Moroni 10 :5
Korihor asked alma for sign that God existed and Alma gave him one. Korihor was ____ ___. (Alma 30:50)
___ is things hoped for and not seen Ether 12:6
Ammon cut off the ___ of the people trying to scatter king Lamonis sheep. (Alma 17:37)
The people hear this voice say from heaven "behold my ____ _____ in whom I am well pleased." 3 Nephi 11:7
The jaredites came from the great tower at the time the lord _____ the language of the people. ether 1 :33
____ is the pure love of Christ. Moroni 7 :47
Captain Moroni rent his coat and wrote upon it. In of our God, our religion, and freedom, and our peace, our wives, and our children. What was it called. (Alma 46:13)
Nephi and Lehi were in prison and just before they were to be killed they were encircled about with a ___ ___ ___. Helaman 5:24
Blessed are the poor in spirit who come unto me, for theirs is the _____ __ ______. 3 nephi 12:3
Hol up your ____ that it may shine unto the world. 3 Nephi 18:24
Alma and Amulek had power given unto them and could not be confined in ______. (Alma 8:31)
Helaman and the 2000 stripling _____.
Who was Moronis dad? (book of ____)