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Jacques Cartier

Jacques cartier did this when he took two First Nations men back to France?
What is the name of the city today where Jacques Cartier had to stop on his second visit to Canada?
What river did Jacques Cartier find?
Jacques Cartier originally called Canada what?
The year Jacques Cartier was born.
Where did Jacques Cartier travel before Canada?
In 1534 Jacques Cartier said to Canada for the first second or third time?
Jacques Cartier's first voyage to Canada took him how many days.
The Europeans in Jacques Cartier's crew were slowly dying of what disease from lack of vitamin C.
What was Jacques Cartier looking for in the Orient?
Jacques Cartier was looking for what place on his first voyage?
Who asked Jacques Cartier to look for another route to Asia?
What stopped Jacques Cartier from being able to keep traveling west on his second voyage?
Jacques Cartier has what named after him in Quebec ?
What was the first name of Jacques Cartier's wife?
Jacques cartier died in the year....
How many voyages did Jacques Cartier take to Canada?
Jacques Cartier is famous for discovering what country?
The type of ship that Jacques Cartier used for his voyages.
This is the country where Jacques Cartier was born.
This famous passage was what Jacques Cartier was looking for as another way to China.
What was Jacques Cartier's job?