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Our Walgreens Store

--------to Walgreens
A manager should----your drawer at shift change
Held once a week.-------meeting
To give another item in place of an out.
Trainee in pharmacy. --------hitter
Must be done daily. ----count
What does r to r mean?
An idea posted on the pulse board
13.99 is the cost of a ------photo
A----card guides us to change our behaviors
Waiter time-----minutes
How many days out to pull the frig?
Everyone should keep the breakroom-------
We should check for carts every ----minutes
Answer the phone by the ----ring
Techs call customers to pick up prescriptions from the----
The order that comes in on Wednesdays
Amount of prescriptions we are projected to be up?
The amount of cigarrettes in a carton
Title to person monitoring a specific pulse measure
Truck should be completely put up------hours after arriving
The first Tuesday of each month
Done thoroughly before close
Keep the photo lab-------
All of our employees are on the same--------