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Micro-organism Review

Type of food poisoning caused by eating uncooked chicken
Single-celled fungi
Helminth infection that causes vit B12 deficiency
Clusters of spherical bacteria
Virus that infects liver cells
Virus that infects bacteria
Respiratory infection that causes blood-tinged cough, fever, and weight loss
Extra outer membrane layer in gram negative bacteria
Type of infection that can cause flesh-eating disease, it is multi-resistant, and occurs in immuno-suppressed people
Type of food poisoning caused by eating uncooked ground beef
Virus that causes warts
Viruses that can infect humans and animals
Flagellated protozoan that infect GI tract
Malaria stage that infects liver cells
Multi-resistant diarrhea infection that can occur in people taking antibiotics
Makes some bacteria highly resistant to environmental stress
Virus cycle that kills the host cell
Throat infection commonly occurring during periods of high stress and lack of normal flora
Fungus found on raw nuts
Parasite that infects liver cells and red blood cells
Bacterial STI that can cause PID
Virus cycle where viral DNA integrates into host DNA
Carbohydrate in bacterial cell walls
Rod-shaped bacteria
Good bacteria in our digestive system and on our skin
Infection transmitted to people through animal feces and dangerous for pregnant women
Type of infection that occurs when immune system is suppressed
Virus that causes mono
A type of virus that causes the common cold
Helminth that can enter the body through the skin
Skin fungal infection
Virus that infects white blood cells
Structures used by bacteria to exchange DNA
Causes cold sores and genital infeciton