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Section 3: Crossword Puzzle

Rule by people
Italian Prime Minister at time of Versailles settlement discussions
Mussolini policy to increase the Italian population
Collection of beliefs
Concept that states could come together to deal with aggression and avert war
Rule by monarch
Italian Patriot and Unification Leader
Interested in maintaining 'status-quo'; placed on right of political spectrum
Rule by corrupt, personal-gain-seeking, leaders
System of classifying different political positions; often a left-right axis
1919 unsanctioned occupation of foreign land by members of Italian army
International body of states formed in 1919 based on the concept of Collective Security
Policy of Mussolini to attain self-sufficiency
Rule of small group of people
Italy's 1915 pact with Britain, France and Russia
Unification of Italy
Rule by wealthy
Mussolini policy to reduce grain imports
Interested in reform; placed on left side of political spectrum
Settlement at end of WWI that did not include all lands promised at start of war
Devoted Fascist followers and personal enforcers of Mussolini