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Holiday Traditions

Learn something new about Holiday facts around the world!... and Minnesota. 
18 million of these are eaten in Israel during Hanukkah
Supposedly, many of these creatures help run Santa's workshop
Holiday commemorating the first revelation of the Quran to Muhammad
celebration that honors African heritage in African-American culture
The average number of years required to grow a Christmas tree
A man in a red suit who brings gifts to children
This is a spinning device used for playing games during Hanukkah
According to the Bible, The king who began a infant genocide in attempt to kill Jesus
The device Minnesotans use to cut holes in the ice for fishing
In European folklore, this is a "half-demon, half-goat" who punishes misbehaving kids during the Christmas season
What Minnesota is during the winter
According to holiday lore, a choirmaster created these sugar sticks in 1670 to look like a shepherd's staff
Another name for the Chinese New Year (hint: two words)
This holiday celebrates the Islamic New Year. Means "Migration" in Arabic.
The number of candles on a Hanukkah menorah
In this Asian country, New Year’s Eve is called Omisoka. It is the second most important holiday of the year after New Year’s Day.
Artist of the best-selling Christmas album
The number of grapes eaten at midnight to celebrate the New Year in Mexico
Sometimes put on top of a Christmas tree
In Christmas, this is the first group of people to receive the news of Jesus' birth
The name of the most recorded Christmas carol in history (hint: two-words)
The Löschner family of Neuhausen, Germany, owns the biggest collection of what item
A flying reindeer with a red nose
These are believed to scare evil spirits during the Chinese New year. China produces 90% of the world's total amount of these.
According to the Bible, Mary rode this animal on the way to Bethlehem
A Christmas beverage with nutmeg spice
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