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Theology 1st Semester

Psalm that expresses grief and complaint to God for suffering and beg for help.
Isaac's two sons.
Having more than one wife.
Holiest day of the year for the Jews.
Deuteronomy, exodus, numbers, Leviticus, and Genisis.
Daughter of the Reverend and soon to be wife of Bertrum Cates.
Prayer expressing what people's lives as God's people is all about.
Rituals described in the first half of Leviticus.
The cities destroyed by God.
The Seventh commandment states that "You shall not...".
To believe in more than one God.
Psalms are usually sung or chanted after the first...
Brother that suggested that they sell Joseph to merchants so that they do not have his blood on their hands.
Nickname given to Lot's wife after she disobeyed God and lost faith in him.
A solemn promise made with God.
Teacher who taught his students the theory of evolution.
An abundant land promised by God to the father Abraham.
Members of the tribe of Levi.
The brother that suggested Joseph be thrown into a well so he could get him later.
Built an ark to protect himself, his family, and some of the animals.
The son who tricked Isaac into giving him his blessing.
A book that is a complex work made by many authors.
Time when the Jews were sent off of their lands.
How psalms are meant to be recited.
Holy teachings of worship expressed in a person's everyday life.
Taking only one wife.
Psalms use concrete language not...
Psalms include much of this.
The number of elements in the psalms of lament
What the Jews did fervently to end the suffering and injustice.
Psalms are also used in this.
Refers to a number of ancient peoples of the near East, from whom the israelites descended.
To believe in only one God.
The son of Jacob that was thrown into slavery by his brothers.
The little boy who drowned in the creek.
The number of days God makes the people wander around the desert for.
Bread eaten by the Israelites in the desert.
Psalm that celebrate the wonder and majesty of God.
Abraham's nephew.
Abraham's wife.