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Parties, Interest Groups, and Public Policy

Name:  _________________________________
Period: ____________________
Date:    ____________________
A political party's statement of principles
Political party with the longest continuous existence
First step in policymaking
Favor limiting the size of the national government
An organization that seeks to achieve power by electing its members to public office
Policies must first pass through this branch to become laws
One of the first political parties
Policies are executed and enforced
Gov't actions or programs designed to achieve certain goals
Any organized group whose members share a common goal and try to influence gov't
Independent position
Members of this party choose the Speaker of the House and Senate Majority Leader
A political system in which two parties control the government
Unity of purpose
Example of an interest group
Selecting the most critical issues
One way interest groups try to influence gov't
Final step in the policy process
An organized effort to influence the policy process by persuading officials on a specific issue