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Yard Safety

These are the largest in the world and weigh 240,000lbs.
It is extremely important to watch for these at shift change when operating equipment.
This is not to be assumed or taken, it is acknowledged and communicated.
This piece of equipment has a trailer that does not have brakes.
This machine clears snow in the winter and has the lifting capacity of 35,000lbs.
This is used to reduce slipping hazards in the winter.
This is one of the smallest pieces of equipment in the yard and must take extra caution around large equipment.
Who is the yard supervisor?
We send the majority of our lumber out on the?
20-25 of these are travelling around site at any time.
If there is an incident in the yard who is to be contacted?
This is limited due to loads, booms, as well as blind spots.
This is not to be used in equipment.
Who is responsible for transporting our rail cars?
What is it called when a rail car goes off the rails?
This is the most effective way to communicate in the yard.