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Chapter 15-CA

Uses both moist and dry cooking techniques.
The time it takes for the fat or oil to return to the pre-set temperature after food has been submerged.
Uses liquid instead of oil to create the heat energy needed to cook the food.
Uses a wok, a large pan with with sloping sides. Requires less cooking time.
Frying food in a pan with enough liquid to cover at least 1/2 to 3/4 of the food.
The matter in cells and tissue that gives them their color.
Moisture that escapes into the air.
Coating for food that is made of eggs and crumbs.
Quickly browned at the start of the cooking process. Locks in foods juices.
A quick, dry cooking technique that used a small amount of fat or oil in a shallow pan.
Foods are cooked completely submerged in heated fat or oil.
The cooking that takes place after you remove something from the heat source.
The process of cooking sugar to high temperatures to create pleasing smells.
Uses metal and the radiation of hot air, oil, or fat to transfer the heat.
To cook food directly user a primary heat source.
the change from a liquid or semiliquid state to a drier, solid state.
Food is placed on a metal rod or skewer and is slowly turned over the heat source.
To coat foods with flour or finely ground crumbs.
A semiliquid mixture that contains ingredients such as flour, milk, eggs and seasonings.