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Trump’s _____ character effected him in the 2016 election.
To beat the Chinese army we have to ____ and adapt to our environment.
The thought of Donald Trump ____ many until it actually happened.
Joseph was the first ____ when caught with the murder weapon near the scene of the crime.
It was known Joseph was the ____ when his finger prints appeared inside the barrel of the gun at the crime scene.
Nature Coast went ______ when Este hit the final free thrown to win the game against Springstead.
Rigoberto was very _____ when it came to him and others in the classroom and who came first.
Nowadays it’s always gonna be hard to trust somebody. That’s why I’m always ____ on who to tell somebody when something happens.
Underclass men are perceived like _____s when it comes to school activities.
It’s been years since John’s had a _____ especially with all his personal problems going on!
As a group we can ____ the work more effectively.
It was pure _____ when American dropped three nukes on South Korea.
Danny had to quickly _____ the rumor of his store having insects.
“It has been twenty years and we still don’t have enough ___ to bring down the cocaine cartel in Columbia!”
It was very ____ to believe a pregnant woman killed her husband.
John was very ____ when it came to portraying the character seen around Walmart at eleven at night.
______ speaking Hillary should of won the election because she had a million more votes then Trump.
Danny’s ____decision effected his personal life when it came down to choosing his best man.
The guy being accused of murder needed an ___ to prove his innocence.
Whitney had a _____ when she found the dead body laying in the freezer with blood gushing out the victims mouth.