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The Olympians

King of Olympus; ruler of the sky.
Brother of Jupiter; God of the Sea..
Goddess of wisdom and useful arts.
God of grapes, wine, and revelry; born from the calf of Jupiter.
God of war and lover of Venus.
God of the underworld
Goddess of grain and the harvest; mother of Persephone.
God of the forge and blacksmiths; husband to Venus.
Jupiter's jealous wife; goddess of women, marriage, and childbirth.
Sister of Apollo; goddess of the moon and the hunt.
Goddess of beauty and love; unfaithful wife to Vulcan.
Wife of Pluto, stolen from the surface world.
The messenger of the gods and the protector of travelers.
God of the sun, music, arts, and patron of the oracle at Delphi.
Goddess of the hearth and its sacred fire.