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A mathmatical sentence built from expressions using one or more equal sign =
To multiply out the parts of expression, this is the opposite of factoring.
The sum or difference of terms which have veriables ride to positive integer powers and which have coefficients that may be real or complex.
Like a line. description of any graph or data that can be modeled by a linear polynomial.
X is in the expression, X over A
Any and all values of the vairables that satisfies an equation.
As a noun, a term or expression with no variables also a term or expression for which any variables cancel out.
The mathematics of working with variables
Parts an expression or series separated by + or - signs, or the parts of a sequence separated by commas.
The number multipiled times a product of variables or powers of variables in a term.
Any mathamatical calculation or formula combining numbers and or variables using sums.
Quantity that can change or that may take on different values.