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Chapter 15

Internal Control: Opportunity is the biggest influence that management has. (no opportunity = no theft)
(2 words) Assigning roles such that no one person takes an order, creates or obtains the ordered item, and then collects the payment.
(2 words) Duties such as counting inventory should be rotated among responsible managers.
Conditions for fraud: Economic instability drives honest employees to steal.
(2 words) Making exactly one individual responsible for each component function such as handling cash.
Conditions for fraud: Causes employees to steal in order to support their addiction.
Internal control: To protect the assets of a business or company from fraud.
(3 words)Least Pay and leaves employees at a low social status.
(2 words) Stealing, use or misuse of employer's assets.
Conditions for fraud: When employees rationalize stealing from the operation.
(2 words) Limiting access to areas of an operation in which food and beverage inventory are stored.
Internal Control: Part of the management function to prepare and enforce ways to prevent theft and other crimes.