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Predator-Prey Adaptations I

The spider that looks like an ant is usually a predator of Insects. This is an example of ________. (221)
Some animals move from one location to another in order to escape hostile environmental conditions . This is a behavioral adaptation is known as _______.
Some animals are disguised so that they are hard to see even when they are in View. This is called ________. (220 Holt)
The _________of the porcupine help to repel predators.
Predators learn to _____all animals that have similar warning patterns.
Dark bands are used to help break up the apparent Bulk of the animal's ______.
When a Bear sleeps during the winter it is an example of a behavioral adaptation called __________.
Bees, Wasps, Skunks, snakes and poisonous Frogs have ________ coloration that alerts and protects spray species.(220)
Pattern of black and red, orange, or _________ are common warning signs.
A type of epiphyte plant in the tropics that grows near the tops of tall trees and absorbs nutrients and water from the rainfall are the________.