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Physiology Of Hearing

Tympanic membrane
Tube that provides the sole means for bringing oxygen to the middle ear space.
Curled margin of the pinna, marking its most distal borders
The entrance to the ear canal
Also known as stirrup
Process of the incus with which the stapes articulates
Tunnel that separates the outer and inner hair cells
Membrane that separates the scala media from scala tympani
A device used to view cavities of the body
Provides intermediate communicating link of the ossicular chain
Window in which the footplate of the stapes is embedded
Membrane that separates the scala vestibuli and the scala media
Muscle that is embedded in the bone of the posterior wall of the middle ear
Auricle, making up the readily visible portion of the outter ear
Flap of epithelium-covered cartilage
Largest of the ossicles
The bones of the ear
The handle of the malleus
Window providing communication between the scala tympani and the middle ear
Receptor organ for movement