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Banta Brain A-Z

Relating to the west - John Wayne movie
Person with a powerful obsession or craving
A performance by mummers
Fear of foreigners
Force or energy with which a person moves
Find your bearings - bury with the feet toward the east
Broadly comic dramatic work based on ludicrously improbable events
(music) in a smooth flowing manner
Chinese custom of kneeling and touching the ground
Fluctuate; move from side to side
A Muslim holy war
Visionary: pursuing lofty but unattainable ideals
Count again
A bribe offered in return for unofficial promotion of a product
Thing affording stability
Comic dramatic work based on ludicrously improbable events
Intervene to produce reconciliation
Person who has the right of voting
Young ambitious professional person working in the city
Part of a larger whole
Ruler with unrestricted authority
Wresling hold - arm under opponent's arm from the back - hand on neck
Consisting of a mixture of rolled oats, nuts, dried fruits etc.
A scamp;rascal
Dim - of mind or eye;indistinct
Total shadow cast on the earth by the moon during a solar eclipse