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chapter 15

Children with disabilities included in regular classrooms
What is another technology that can address disabilities?
Individual cannot fulfill a role due to a disability
Universal design for learning aka...
Powered wheelchair, computers are what kind of assistive technology?
CCTV, screen magnification control panels are examples of assistive technologies for the...
What does ASD stand for?
One in how many children have ASD?
Essential variables associated with special education technology #3 pt 2 listed from book
Using one’s body in a different manner is what kind of assistive technology?
Essential variables associated with special education technology #3 pt 1 listed from book
Essential variables associated with special education technology #2 listed from book
Essential variables associated with special education technology #4 listed from book
Personal word lists, organizing systems are what kind of assistive technology?
Canes and sensory technology, OCR software, screen readers, American Sign Language (ASL) software are examples of assistive technologies for the...
When an impairment limits individual from performing an activity in a normal manner
Referral for assistive technology education was made by?
power wheelchair operated by a joystick is an example of?
Providing greater access to online information for all users
Closed captioning, FM amplification are examples of assistive technologies for the...
What is one way technology can address disabilities?
Abnormality or loss of function in a physical, anatomical, or psychological structure
Essential variables associated with special education technology # 1 listed from book
Essential variables associated with special education technology #5 listed from book