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Recipe Terms and Kitchen Utensils

Used for coffee cakes and cookies
Lower the temperature of the food below 32 degrees Fahrenheit
Cut food into small irregularly shaped pieces
Used to cool cakes and cookies
Rub food against a grater to obtain fine particles
Used to spoon liquids over foods and to lift food including its liquid, out of the pan
Put dry ingredients through a sifter to aerate
Another name for blend
Used for paring vegetables and fruits
Cook in an oven in a covered or uncovered pan with dry heat
Used to level off ingredients when measuring and to spread frostings and sandwich fillings
Used to measure solids and dry ingredients, such as fat, flour and sugar
Used to bake thin sheet ckaes
Cook in hot fat
Used to grate, shred, slice, and serrate foods, such as cabbage and cheese
Used to section raw meat, poultry, or fish
Used to open canned foods
Used for liquids and for washing dishes
Used for creaming, stirring, and mixing
Make the surface of the food brown in color by frying, broiling, toasting, or baking
Mix ingredients with a circular or figure eight motion
Place food in refrigerator until cold
Used for scraping sides of utensils
Divide foods into smaller pieces with knife or kitchen shears
Beat rapidly with rotary beater, electric mixer, or wire whip to add air and make light and fluffy
Soften and blend until smooth and light by mixing with a spoon or electric mixer
Used to measure liquids
Protects table top or counter when cutting food
Abbreviation for teaspoon
Used for baking pies
Used to measure small amounts of liquid and dry ingredients
Mix with and over-and-over motion using a spoon, rotary beater or electric mixer
Used to turn meat, pancakes, vegetables, and fruits while browning
Heat a pan or oven to the desired temperature before cooking the food
Used for cooking sauces, vegetables, and many other foods
Mix several ingredients so that they are well combined but not beaten
Cook in liquid, usually water, in which bubbles rise constantly, break on the surface continuously, and give off steam