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What This Awl Means

Things found in archaeological site
What does the awl represent
Nickname for archaeology excavation
Where did the fur traders come from?
Gods wish for white man to go west
Game that women played in the winter months
Pits where they stored goods
Big piles of dirt that sometimes have burials
Homes that settlers lived in
The movement the author is a part of
Long, pointed spike
Strategic pits to find artifacts
A food that the Dakota farmed
Other word for sewing moccasins or clothes
Game played by men
Period when Europeans came for a certain commodity
Flying pest that is very prevalent in Minnesota
Ceremonial dance
Nation book focuses on
What state do the Dakota originate
Important color to Dakota women
Used to smoke sacred tobacco
Growing food on farms
Food that grows on water
Nickname for Dakota people
Tree that gives important syrup
What was used for most jewelry
Homes Dakota lived in
Commodity traders wanted
Exchanging goods