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Figurative Language

An indirect reference to cultural works, people, or events.
An expression that means something different from the literal meaning of the words.
Uses extravagant exaggeration for emphasis..
The feeling created in the reader.
Also used for sound effect.
The repetition of similar sounds at the beginning of the words.
Contains ideas that seem to contradict or go against logic.
Gives human characteristics to a non-human thing.
The repetition of similar vowel sounds.
The overall feeling that an author creates by using mood, tone, and setting.
Characterization when you learn about the characters.
The time and place of a story, which includes the surroundings or the environment.
An object that represents something else.
The use of a simile or metaphore that is extended to show more ways that two unlike things are similar
Combines opposite and contradictory words.
The use of a word that imitates a sound, such as buzz and hiss.
Compares two unlike things by using like or as.
The intentional use of the same word or words over and over again.
Characterization when the author comes right out and tells you what the characters are like.
The same/similar sound at the end of the words.
Compares two unlike things without using like or as.
Overused, but it basically means what it says
The writers attitude toward the subject or toward the characters.
A collection of word pictures that appeal to the readers sense and is sometimes referred to as sensory.