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Medical Terminology

Gas that makes up 21% of the air. it passes into the bloodstream at the lungs and travels to all body cells
Largest vein in the body
12 pairs of nerves that carry messages to and from the brain with regard to the head and neck
Part of the brain anterior to the cerebellum and between the the medulla and the rest of the midbrains
Tiny ball of capillaries in the kidney
Male external organ
Microscopic fiber that carries the nervous impulses along a nerve cell
lymphatic tissue in the nasopharynx; pharyngeal tonsils
Openings through the nose carrying air into the nasal cavities
Collection of spinal nerves below the end of the spinal cord
The brain and spinal cord
Thick, outermost layer of the meninges surrounding and protecting the brain and spinal cord
Macroscopic cord-like collection of fibers that carry electrical impulses
Breakdown of complex foods to simpler forms
Lower, neck-like portion of the uterus
Pigment released by the liver in bile
Thin, delicate inner membrane of the meniges
Triangular area in the urinary bladder
Largest part of the brain; responsible for voluntary muscular activity, vision, speech, taste, hearing, thought, and memory
Voice box; containing the vocal cords
Sheet of nerve cells that produces a rounded ridge on the surface of the cerebral cortex
Smallest blood vessel
Type of glial cell that transports water and salts from capillaries
Relaxation phase of the heartbeat
Outer region of an organ
Lower tip of the heart
Sensitive tip of the penis
Stage in prenatal development from 8 to 39 or 40 weeks
Opening or canal
Inner lining of the heart
Space through which a nervous impulse travels between nerve cells or between nerve and muscle or glandular cells
Muscular, middle layer of the heart
Microscopic branching fiber of a nerve cell that is the first part to receive the nervous impulse.
One or two lower chambers of the heart
Male or female sexual reproductive cell; sperm cell or ovum
Nerve cell that carries impulses throughout the body; parenchyma of the nervous system
Air sacs in the lungs
Small artery
Part of a nerve cell that contains the nucleus
Lips of the vagina
Ridges on the hard palate and the wall of the stomach
Largest artery in the body
Mature egg cell