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Reproductive Systems

Supporting structure of male reproductive system.
Fetal part of placenta.
The cycle during which the uterine lining grows.
Gland that adds fluid and antibiotics to semen.
The last _____ the fetus gains about half of its final weight.
An invasive method to collect fetal cells from the amniotic fluid.
The first stage of birth, that is concerned with the cervix.
A common birth control method that is also excellent at preventing STDs.
This hormone promotes milk letdown and maternal bonding.
This cancer in women can sometimes be caused by HPV.
This occurs when the ovarian follicles become exhausted.
A bacterial STD that has stages leading to an infection of the nervous system and death.
One type of this viral STD may lead to liver failure.
A test that should be performed yearly in women to examine the health of the cervix.
Hormone important for normal development and function of male reproductive system.
Surgical birth control method in men.
The cycle during which ovulation occurs.
An important hormone during pregnancy that inhibits uterine muscle contractions.