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Blood Red Horse Crossword

Small field or enclosure where horses are kept to exercise
A swift horse
A long, loose garment worn by a member of a religious order or congregation
Of common occurrence
Lacking interests or excitement
Humble submission and respect
A disease where arthritis occurs and episodes of acute pain
Anger or annoyance provoked by what is percieved as unfair treatment
Make full use of and benefit from
Property or money brought by a bride to her husband on their marriage
A covered walk in a monastery
A group of advisers, assistants, or others accompanying an important person
Speak to someone or about something in a mocking way
A man who is the head of an abbey of monks
The troops stationed in a fortress to defend it
Free from constraint or difficulty
Unable to be defeated or destroyed
The governor of a royal castle
A large warhorse
Protection from something
A period of keeping awake during the time usually spent sleeping
Incongruously varied in appearance or character
Affecting horses or other members of the horse family
A strong feeling of suitability
A profane or offensive expression used to express anger or other strong emotions
A loose garment, typically sleeveless and reaching the wearer's knees