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Finance 4223: Investments

fallacy that occurs when people assume that a departure from what occurs on average or in the long run will be corrected in the short run
A term often used to describe high P/E stocks
Harvard professor who discusses the 5 forces
a group of underwrites formed to share the risk and help sell an issue
A situation where market prices collapse significantly and suddenly
pledging securities as collateral against a loan
An investment company not accessible by the general public
the area of finance dealing with the implications of investor reasoning errors on investment decisions and market prices
represents ownership in a corporation
an option that gives the owner the right but not the obligation to sell an asset
A method for predicting market direction that relies on a series of past market swings
the portion of the value of an investment that is not borrowed
a common measure of volatility
fee is often in the range of 20-40% of profits realized by the finds investment strategy
The Change in stock price as a percentage of initial price.
Using past price data and other nonfinancial data to identify future trading opportunities
Assentation that the general level of nominal interest rates follows the general level of inflation
Price or level below which a stock or the market as a whole is unlikely to fall
The goal of managers of these funds is to identify a mispricing in relationships between securities which theoretically should not exist
# of stocks in the DJIA
A sale in which the seller does not actually own the security that is sold
the price a dealer is willing to pay
Customer order to buy or sell securities with a specified price. The order can only executed at the specified price or better
insurance fund covering investors brokerage accounts with member firms