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Baking Final Review

The type of chocolate used to line prebaked pie dough for light colored cream filling
The term for weighing ingredients
Everything in its place; read recipe twice, gather ingredients and tools, prep ingredients and tools
A silicone mat that lines a sheet pan that can withstand high temperatures
A step in the 12 step yeast dough production process that releases gas and redistributes heat and yeast
Yellowing of the skin or eyes; a symptom that must be reported to the manager and will exclude the worker from work
The piece of equipment bakers use to measure out dry ingredients by weight
New yield divided by old yield equals this; used to multiply measurements in a recipe to obtain a desired yield.
The main source of gluten in the bakery. Provides bulk and structure in baked goods.
A type of cookie that can be scooped or spooned onto a sheet pan, baked and then cooled; chocolate chip, snickerdoodle, etc
A term for being in trouble or behind; not a good place to be...
The acronym for the 6 preventative measures against bacterial contamination of foods
A classic pastry component made of a combination of flour, fat, water and salt
A macro nutrient responsible for the growth and repair of tissue
The type of pie crust preferred for two crust pies and with the fat in pea size pieces
Ingredients that produce or incorporate gas to increase volume and provide texture
A type of pie filling that contains raw or cooked fruit, sugar, spices and a thickener; usually a 2 crust pie
A utensil used to gently combine ingredients or to whip air into them. They can be firm or bendy.
A type of contaminant that includes 6 types of micro organisms; bacteria, virus, parasite, mold, fungi and yeast
A method of mixing fat into the dry ingredients using your hands; biscuit method
The range of temperature in which harmful bacteria multiply rapidly
Must be supplied by food because our healthy bodies cannot make them in sufficient quantities
A chemical leavener that releases gas when combined with an acid and moisture; sodium bicarbonate
The most common method of mixing yeast dough; yeasty water then dry ingredients then fat into the mixing bowl. Mix then knead with dough hook.
A form of measurement that is measured in dry or in liquid measure; dry = cups and spoons, liquid = cups, oz or #
A basic ingredients whose main functions are to provide sweetness, caramelization (color), increased shelf life, food for yeast, tenderizer and acts as a creaming agent for fat
A classic pastry made of eggs, water and butter. Used as a shell for a sweet or savory filling. Is leavened through steam.
The result of over mixing a quick bread and developing too much gluten; gas is trapped by the gluten creating large holes or tubes in the finished product
Fat that comes form animal sources and should be consumed in moderation. <20g/day
A macro nutrient that provides energy; it can be broken down into simple and complex
The preferred method of measurement for bakers because it is more accurate and efficient
An action of beating vigorously to incorporate air. Can be done with a variety of tools.
To poke holes into a dough to prevent the dough from rising