Number of pieces Paul would purchase when considering 12 dozen objets d'art
So as a man walketh upright so does Konnie playeth thith.
Freezing "vacation" spot Arthur aspires to.
What Sara dreams of scoring.
Audio assistive technology Arthur has been known to use.
She's far from this yet she has been known to play such chords.
Title of sitcom Dick wrote for when it aired in England and was re-imagined as the story of a cockney flying toy in a passageway.
In the dark, they're all the same to Billie.
What Paul called arranged get-togethers with fellow toddlers.
We love Poppa Gibby even though he is this.
Ethnicity the gregarious and outspoken Lucille was once mistaken for.
Kind of Jack Dick fancies himself to be.
New Christmas decoration available this year.
Kind of cry Debbie's clients never make.
Eastern European city Sara's granddaughters and Gibby's daughters identify with.
Town Konnie played the pee-ano for.
Paul's new look... which we like!
Ben, Katherine's, Lu, and Wil's favorite animal-- without it they'd starve.
What the Maidel played with.
What Konnie and Dick were caught doing in the rain.
Another sauce clue, but this one more appropriate to the holiday.
"Substance" Debbie dispenses on demand.
What you have to do for your supper.
Must accept parity for ganders' sauce.